    Do you need help engaging online? I can show you how to increase your social media presence strategically!
  • I help my client engage their network.

    I cover when small businesses should:

    ● Use referral network amplification

    ● Plan social media content
    ● Fix the broken parts between marketing and sales
    ● Choose between organic outreach or paid advertising

    What’s Inside:
    ● How do you choose a secondary social media platform?
    ● Shaily’s Facebook hack for creating more engagement and publicity

    for a live-stream or event.
    ● My method for figuring out what a client values using LinkedIn.

    What Kind of Client seeks me out for help with social media?

    The type of client that I can help is someone who is frustrated and their energy is going into the abyss. They are not really sure what they’re supposed to put out. They’re not really sure what needs to go out online where they spend their time. They’ve tried to go through customer service on various social media platforms and they’re not getting the support and help they need. They don’t really have anyone to talk to and there’s not an immediate way to get help. I am very patient and I will take the time to address the concerns of my clients. I have really good tips that will be profitable and I can help your people to understand you better.

    broken image
  • Why people hire me:

    1. They secretly want a cheerleader to believe in them and what they can achieve.
    2. They are frustrated with the results they get from their social media efforts.
    3. They want to figure out how they can kill it on LinkedIn.
    4. They know social media is the way of the future, but they don’t know how to get there.
    5. They want to have tech skills to execute on social media.

    What people get when they work with me:

    1. My clients understand exactly how they can improve their social media presence.
    2. My clients know how to get higher quality engagement with their content.
    3. I provide my clients with infinite content ideas to last them years!
    4. My clients learn exactly how social media efforts can lead to an ROI for their business without guesswork saving them time in their sales process.
    5. I empower my clients to approach social media as a means to catapult their business toward success.



    My comprehensive Video Series on Leveraging Social Media
    I have created a five video series that will help explain about the ins and outs of increasing your social media engagement. You will learn how to leverage your own network and how to make sure that you are unforgettable on the internet to make sure that you’re showing up as an expert that you are going to leave the video series with very simple executable steps.


    Topics that will be covered in the Video Series:
    Video 1-

    1. Helps you to focus on connecting business goals with social media strategy
    2. Will help you to educate your visitors, not just sell to them

    Video 2-

    1. Will show you how to nurture past clients
    2. Will explain to you where word of mouth referrals come from
    3. Introduce the concept of being unforgettable

    Video 3-

    1. Encourage you to focus on where your clients/customers hang out online
    2. Show you how to focus on online missed opportunities or “golden nuggets”

    Video 4-

    1. Will explain to you how to create shareable content and easily accessed information
    2. Show you how to present your credentials so that your visitors see you as an expert

    Video 5-

    1. Will teach you how to be consistent in providing content where your customers “hang out”
    2. You will learn how to distinguish between visitors who are ready to buy now and those who need a bit more information

    Social Media Sherpa Five Video Jump Start Series
    Your First Step Toward Social Media Domination!

    So you want my help to see how you can best engage with the people you serve? You are in the right place. I can help you do it!

    1. Access to my five part video series
    2. Access to my more detailed video library
    3. Personalized assessment video of your online presence and how to best reach your customer base.

    Each option will get you to where you need to go with your marketing.

    Be unforgettable online. Start today. ⤵️

    How much does it cost to hire a social media coach?
    Create A Strong Social Media Presence Now!


    Learn to take your LinkedIn profile to the next level & attract the clients you want by instantly accessing my favorite profiles by providing your email. ⤵️


    BONUS: Get simple social media insights to help you grow your business via bi-weekly emails







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