Looking to engage your members virtually during Covid-19?

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  • Empower your members by providing them the resources they need to best support and grow their business online.

  • Book a virtual social media empowerment workshop with Shaily

    With COVID-19, I want to give back to the business community as they navigate these tricky times. I am happy to offer online social media workshops through your chamber.

    As your social media speaker, I help audiences harness the collective insights of the community they are in. We share our experience with social media, and learn tips and tricks by crowdsourcing your insights and mine.


    Inviting me in to speak means bringing in an infectious amount of energy to your organization. I am a believer in learning through laughter and have spent the last decade doing storytelling, stand-up comedy, improv, magic, teaching, and facilitating. My informative and fun presentations are a memorable way to learn how to leverage the power of social media.

  • Social Media Speaking Skills and Sessions

    Talks can be done virtually or in-person

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    Workshop Facilitator

    She is a catalyst for conversation.

    Shaily's interactive social media workshops encourage learning through laughter and participation.


    Possible topics include: "Leveraging LinkedIn," or "Social Media Networking," or custom topics.

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    *Chamber Special*
    Using social media to amplify your referral network

    1-Hour virtual meeting reshaping how businesses can stay top of mind to their biggest fans.

    Workshop Details:


    Brief Participant introductions

    (5-10 min)


    Connecting referral business to social media

    (20-40 min)


    Community Info Share / Q&A where members can share their own tips and tricks with each other (15-30 min)


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    Guest Speaker

    She's a Social Media Storyteller.

    Shaily loves talking about examples of social media challenges, strategies, and successes.


    Possible topics include: "Social Media for Sales," "Finding work on LinkedIn," or custom topics.

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    She's your go-to emcee!

    Shaily loves to facilitate conversations by crafting great questions and connecting speakers' ideas.


    Possible opportunities include: panels, interviews, roundtables, event host, and more.

  • Looking for a chamber Social Media Speaker?

    Get the full details

  • Or reserve your workshop date here:

  • Watch Shaily in Action

    Check out some examples of past workshops and talks

    "Leveraging LinkedIn for Business"

    State Farm - 6/1/19

    Workshop Facilitator

    "Accountability with Your Social Media Sherpa"

    "Bringing Your Vision to Life" at Community Connect  - 7/23/19

    Keynote Speaker

    "Fireside Chat with @BestFoodAlex - Instagram Influencer"

    WeWork at Grant Park - 3/20/18
