What is the ROI of social media?

Your network has $ in it, you just gotta do a better job of engaging them! Clients come to me who post all the time with no results because they a) post in the wrong place 2) post content that doesn’t serve their business opportunities. Your current referral network is the one that needs to see the content that you put out. That is your base and the easiest people who can buy again or refer you clients who are just like them. You already know that your business needs to stay in touch with these people but let's be honest, you are behind on your CRM. Phone calls take too long. Holiday cards? One day. But social media lets you hack that staying in touch at scale.

Are you teaching me to be a social media manager?

No. I am the bridge between your business goals and the tasks and efforts of your social media manager (whether that is you or someone you hire). I teach you to use the business and networking skills you already have and incorporate them into your social media efforts. I work with you side by side to help you better understand the tools you have in social media and give you a system on how to use those tools. How you do business now relates directly to what you will do on social media. You aren’t learning something new - you are honing in on what’s already in your brain and what you already do in your business.

When should I hire someone like you vs a social media manager?

I am the person you bring on before you hire someone to execute on social media. If you don’t understand how to do social media and how it best serves your business, a social media manager won’t be able to maximize it to help you. You have to know what you need before you can hire out for it. I will help you get the most benefit from what you're paying for when you hire a social media manager. You will have a clear directive in place before you hire someone to post all the amazing content that will amplify your business goals.

I already have a social media manager. Can I still work with you?

Yes! Business owners sometimes hire someone to manage their social media but don’t know what to tell them to do. The ideas need to come from your head onto their paper, because you know exactly who you are serving. I’m the perfect person to link the 2 efforts into 1 successful strategy. I can bridge the gap and make connections so the social media manager can have a really good understanding of not only what to post, but how those posts directly affect your business. Social media managers are awesome and they speak my language and once we develop a strategy, I can then tell them what to do with it. This is not only extremely effective for your business, but it will also help your social media manager when they are coming up with creative posts. I am able to get information from the leader’s head so the social media manager can thrive and then make the business thrive!

Why should I hire you vs. an agency?

Agencies are big commitments and the wrong fit can be costly if you don’t know what you are doing in social media. I’m the friend you call before making a big buying decision for your social media. I want to get you organized and clear with your goals. You may not need a whole agency and instead just a writer to help you get your ideas out of your head. Let's help you find the least stressful solution to keep your marketing going.

Will learning with you mean I have to spend a ton of time doing social media when I have 100 other fires to put out in my business?

Look, I have a business too. I know how much work you have to put in and how many things you have to keep afloat. My goal is to prioritize your time and find a way that fits into your flow, your skills, and the people you want to serve. You keep doing what you’re good at and I cut down the noise and the shiny objects of social media for you. There’s so many choices when it comes to marketing, and you may not know what you should focus on. You don’t need to be a genius at social media. You have to prioritize and take what you know works and use that. It’s usually a lot less work than you think too!

Am I hiring you to teach me one specific method for social media?

NO. I am helping you develop a clear understanding of the relationship between getting business and posting on social media. A lot of programs will sell you one specific system that has worked for them. I have lots of friends who do this - I will even refer them out to folks. But ultimately, we all have to find the flow that works specifically for us and our specially curated goals. There’s a dozen ways to do social media. I don’t just tell you what works and tell you to do it. We are going to work on it together and find a way that works into your flow and utilizes the things that you’re good at. I learn about you and take your strengths and interests and come up with a system so you can put the right information out to your people and you actually enjoy the pieces you are creating.

I bought a course from someone in my industry teaching me LinkedIn, social media, sales, or something related but haven’t figured out how to put it all in place, can you help me with that?

YES! A chunk of my clients come to me with this exact problem. I find that sometimes these coaches have good intentions but it can be confusing and overwhelming for a student to integrate. Sometimes the coach is more of an expert of selling in their specific field and social media is a footnote in their course. I can expand on that and make it easier to understand. If you took an amazing course but still don’t know what the heck to do with your social media strategy - that’s where I come in and help you maximize those efforts! If you want to know how I feel about courses: (link to possible blog).

What if I am stuck with a problem or question and we don’t have a session?

I never want my clients to be stuck on something that I can help them with! I would rather you be able to focus on what's important in your business. Part of the benefit of being on a sherpa long term or ongoing plan is that you can reach out to me between sessions for feedback or if a question comes up. Sometimes there’s a feature that doesn’t work or there’s a hack that you can't figure out, and I have had clients spend hours trying to figure out something that takes me a few minutes to fix for them. I don’t ever want my clients to feel like the tools and tech challenges are stopping them from succeeding with their social media. That is part of why people bring me on so they no longer have to be lost. *I do set a limit on this but for the most part, I am available to my clients.

Do you also help career seekers who want to enhance their LinkedIn?

YES. I am not a recruiter and have not really been a traditional job seeker, but what I do know is how to pull out the unique edge you have over others. Your profile is like a freebie before an interview. It lets them see that you are a gem. Remember, the new company has no idea what you were like day to day at your last job, so it’s up to you to tell that story. LinkedIn is the place to do it. Think resume but with personality. Want to watch my training for job seekers? Check out my resources here: https://www.yoursocialmediasherpa.com/blog/linkedin-networking-evolving-career

What is the difference between you and other social media coaches?

Other social media coaches can teach you how to be a social media manager for yourself. They teach you social media as a new skill. You don’t need to learn a whole new skill, you need to use what you have and know works. You need to know how social media connects to YOUR business. With me, you will learn how to use social media as a tool. We will work together to strategize how to take the skills and motivations that you use to serve clients and use that tool and check where you have missed opportunities to engage your referral network.

I have a firm with a lot of individuals, can you help our whole office?

YES. I find that companies miss the chance to showcase their staff and what makes them special online so new leads can feel more bonded to those who they work with. People want to see that your staff is interesting and so much more than a suit jacket. Some companies opt in for a group training where we walk through what needs to be included in their bios and profiles while other companies go a bit deeper where I work with each individual to pull out all the right details about them. Oftentimes I can partner with the in-house marketing staff to make this happen. This will not only give your firm fresh content, but more personality to thrive with new opportunities. Check out an example of a firm that highlights what individuals in their firm have to offer: https://www.smartautotraining.com/about-us/

Have you ever worked with my industry?

If you have a group of people that already love and adore you that you think can open doors for you - it doesn't matter what industry you're in! My programs work great if you are a connector and you have a network. They are effective if you have past clients that you are still in contact with and would refer you because they think (know) you’re great. Ultimately, I’m taking information out of your head - your own expert knowledge - and helping you expand your expertise online. It is how you communicate the message. It doesn’t matter how much I know about your business, it’s about how I will help you communicate. You can see all the past industries I work with here: https://www.yoursocialmediasherpa.com/private-client-1-on-1

If you haven’t worked for a big corporation or large agency, how can I trust you?

I never worked corporate or a 9-5 gig. The people who work for big companies know how to serve one specific role for the company they themselves work for. You need someone who will understand the size and type of company you run and knows what it’s like to be the everything (accountant, project manager, writer, etc) for that business. You want your marketer to understand your day to day.

So what’s it like working with the social media sherpa?

What I do with you is look to see where in your marketing you have the most potential. From there we figure out exactly what set up you need to get the most bang for your effort. You may even find it manageable to do on your own. But once we get clear on that goal and the content that needs to be made, you can then hand it off to the right kind of social media manager that is specific to your goal. To learn more about me and what I do and why, check out this page: https://www.yoursocialmediasherpa.com/about

What should I do next?

Let’s chat and see if we would make a good team to take on your social media strategy!